In September of 2000, Cherng Loong (Soaring Dragon) began as a small lion dance troupe in the Sunset district of San Francisco. The troupe was originally named the Chinese Cultural Arts Club from our work with theclub at Lowell High School. A few of our founding members including our instructors Chris Chiu and Randall Low taught the lion dance at Lowell with their knowledge from previous experience. The combined experience of the founding members exceeded 20 years going into Cherng Loong.
Aside from school related performances, the Chinese Cultural Arts Club(CCAC) performed for other occasions as well. At the beginning, there was only one silver lion, one drum and a pair of cymbals. The troupe consisted of only 8, but they were very fond of the hobby. As CCAC performed more and more, the numbers increased.
By late 2002, it was time for a new name. Cherng Loong was eventually picked out of many on Dec. 27, 2002. Cherng Loong competed in the National Freestyle Lion Dance Championship in 2003 and placed 3rd in 2005. Although Cherng Loong believes in having fun at practice and performances, we also believe in practicing good discipline and respect. Lion Dancing came from Martial Arts so we still follow some rules and traditions. We do welcome all to try the art of Lion Dancing and become part of our family. If you have any questions, want to join or just want to leave a comment, contact us at